Placement cell

The Career Guidance and Placement Cell (CGPC) of the college is actively organizing many events for the students to get placements in reputed organizations. There are good track records regarding campus placements in the previous years. Organizations like Wipro, TCS, ExlInfotel , HCL, HP, South Indian Bank Ltd., Federal Bank Ltd, US Technologies etc have come to our campus for recruiting students. The cell primarily aims at obtaining the best possible placements to the final year students, and, equally, making them aware of the higher education options available to them in various subjects.

The cell has identified certain areas, which have a lot to do with the campus selections, and training is imparted according to the formulated programs. The expertise available in the institution is tapped optimally for this purpose. Trainings on soft skills, group discussions, how to face interview etc. are being conducted on regular basis. Master trainers from outside are also invited to campus for giving training to our students on various skills so as to empower them in attaining better placements. Classes are also being arranged for enlightening the students to pursue higher education in India and abroad. Industry experts are also invited to campus for giving exposure on various state-of-the-art technologies. Guidance will also be given to students for choosing best career options. The doors of CGPC are open to all the students who are at the threshold of life.

Training Programmes

  • Personality development classes were conducted for the final year UG students
  • Various seminars were conducted for the students on group discussion, interview skills and industrial awareness to gain success in their careers
  • Conduct coaching classes for bank clerical examinations.
  • Conduct motivation classes for the final year UG students.
  • Conduct higher education seminar for the final year UG students.

Placement List

Placement list 2012-2013 Download
Placement list 2013-2014 Download
Placement list 2014-2015 Download
Placement list 2015-2016 Download
Placement list 2016-2017 Download



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