Director of Research and Development

The Office of the Dean Research and Development at Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha, comprises two key units: the Research Unit and the Development Unit. The Research Unit oversees various activities related to the admission and registration of students into research programs offered by the college across diverse disciplines and departments, facilitating the admission process, ensuring compliance with university regulations, and maintaining accurate records of enrolled research scholars. Additionally, it handles the issuance of Academic Clearance Certificates for the submission of M. Phil dissertations and Ph. D. theses, addressing any other matters pertinent to research programs, and providing guidance and support to students and faculty engaged in research endeavours. On the other hand, the Development Unit is tasked with the implementation, monitoring, and maintenance of accounts and assets associated with research projects, schemes, and programs funded by various external funding agencies. This unit plays a pivotal role in ensuring the efficient execution of research initiatives by overseeing budget allocations, financial transactions, and resource management, maintaining accurate records of project expenditures, preparing financial reports, and liaising with funding agencies to fulfill reporting requirements. Moreover, the Development Unit collaborates closely with faculty, researchers, and administrative staff to facilitate the smooth functioning of research projects and promote a culture of excellence in research and development within the college, contributing to the advancement of knowledge, innovation, and scholarly excellence in diverse fields of study.


Research Centres


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Our Students

