
        The Department of Mathematics has stood as an indispensable pillar within Nirmala’s academic community since its establishment in 1955. The inaugural B.Sc. batch set an impressive precedent, with Mr. P. P. Sebastian clinching the first rank in the university examination. From its inception, the Department of Mathematics has maintained an impeccable record, boasting a consistent 100% pass rate. The department has continually outshined others in the university, consistently achieving the highest number of S grades and maintaining an exceptional admission rate.


To centre stage Mathematical knowledge in the curriculum; instill analytical and logical thinking among students and promote Mathematical thought as an important area of human thought.


The mission of the mathematics department is to provide an environment where students can learn and become competent users of mathematics and mathematical application. Moreover, the department will contribute to the development of students as mathematical thinkers, enabling them to become lifelong learners, to continue to grow in their chosen professions, and to function as productive citizens. To encourage students to conduct student projects to develop their analytical and logical thinking.


Why Choose Mathematics

Absolutely! Mathematics truly is all around us- a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics provides a strong foundation for understanding and engaging with the world in a meaningful way and serves as the foundation for countless fields and disciplines including Science, Technology, Engineering , Economics , Finance Life sciences…..

Course Features


Research Centres


Our Faculty


Our Students

