
B.Sc Chemistry

Bachelor degree in chemistry provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles and applications of chemistry. Graduates are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary for careers in various fields including pharmaceutical, environmental science, research, and more.

M.Sc. Chemistry

Masters in Chemistry program provides advanced knowledge and specialized skills in various branches of chemistry, along with hands-on research experience. Post-Graduates are well-equipped for careers in industries such as pharmaceutical, materials science, and environmental science, as well as academia and research institutions.

PhD in Chemistry

Our department's PhD program in chemistry focuses on specialized areas such as organic chemistry and material chemistry, providing students with in-depth knowledge and research opportunities in these fields. Through rigorous coursework, hands-on laboratory experience, and collaboration with faculty experts, students gain the skills necessary to conduct cutting-edge research and contribute to advancements in organic synthesis, materials design, and characterization techniques


Research Centres


Our Faculty


Our Students

